Integrating SharePoint with Dynamics Navision

I was working on a SharePoint project for automating financial and human resource processes. One of the requirements is to integrate MOSS 2007 with MS Dynamics Navision. I had to do this integration at low cost and without any adapter.
To do such a thing i have done the followings :
  • Creating temporary tables on Navision SQL database.
  • Creating a dbml schema from the need tables in the SQL database of Navision. Theses represent Linq to SQl classes. (great tutorial about using Linq to SQL)
  • Creating a generic repository to use the Linq to SQL generated classes to do CRUD operations and search. (Code for Generic Repository)
  • Installing Navision NAS (Tutorial about NAS)
  • Developing NAS application to synchronize the temporary tables with the real ones on Navision.
One all things done , you can use them within SharePoint to extract employees data , insert new data …

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